Thanks to the people who make up our teams, we work every day to achieve our purpose: a better planet for the future generations.

Our team is rapidly expanding, and we want to offer our employees the opportunity to grow with the company.
In 2022, we provided over 2,281 hours of training for store employees and spaces in shopping centers, driving the growth of our entire team and strengthening the customer experience aligned with our purpose.

The Ecoalf culture provides us with guidelines to ensure the most sustainable and consistent way of working, adapting our policies and procedures to our culture and values.
We encourage and seek a diverse work environment where all individuals feel valued and treated with respect. We are constantly looking for new talent aligned with our purpose.

45% women
55% men
80% women
20% men
+50% of employees under 30 years old
We have various tools to align all our stakeholders with our values: Code of Conduct, Ethics and Values Committee, Anti-Harassment Protocol, Equality Plan, and an Ethical Channel.
Sabemos que no podemos transformar la industria de la moda solos, y que necesitamos trabajar de la mano de nuestros proveedores y colaboradores. Buscamos partners que compartan nuestros valores, que cumplan nuestros estándares, o, aún mejor, que los sobrepasen. Para garantizarlo, todos nuestros proveedores aceptan y cumplen con nuestro Código de Conducta.
We know that we cannot transform the fashion industry alone, and we need to work hand in hand with our suppliers and collaborators. We seek partners who share our values, meet our standards (or even exceed them). To ensure this, all our suppliers accept and comply with our Code of Conduct.
100% of our suppliers are signatories to the external Code of Conduct(*)
(*) Concerning suppliers representing 80% of the turnover

The only way to truly reduce our impact is to have visibility into our supply chain. Transparency is key to achieving this.

It is crucial for us to know the working conditions of our suppliers’ workers and to ensure compliance with human rights criteria. 100% of operations subjected to Human Rights assessments.
One of the benefits of working at Ecoalf is the opportunity to participate in numerous corporate volunteer activities within the "Clean Rivers, Save Oceans" project as part of the collaboration between Ecoalf Foundation and Biotherm. This contributes to the sense of belonging and well-being of our teams.

Ecoalf ha participado desde su fundación en 2012 en más de 1.000 conferencias y foros, aceptando que el conocimiento científico y sus derivados tecnológicos son un producto eminentemente social y reconociendo la importancia que adquieren las tareas de difusión y divulgación de la ciencia.
Since its foundation in 2012, Ecoalf has participated in more than 1,000 conferences and forums, recognizing that scientific knowledge and its technological derivatives are inherently social products and acknowledging the importance of dissemination and popularization of science.

(SINCE 2012)
Ecoalf Foundation participates in various activities to increase awareness of the waste problem and the damage it causes to marine ecosystems, as well as the role of the circular economy in seeking solutions. It conducts conferences worldwide and participates in roundtables, workshops, talks, and exhibitions for all types of audiences, including children.