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Buy kids’ winter hats

With the arrival of winter, it’s important for children to be well wrapped up to avoid, as much as we can, common ailments (colds, flu, etc.). Hats are just as important as jackets and coats, as we also lose body heat from the head and ears. 

Take a look at our selection of ECOALF kids’ hats, to ensure your children are fully protected against the cold. 

Selection of kids’ scarves

In addition to hats, our online store also stocks a range of kids’ scarves. As well as being fully protected against the cold, your children will also be able to combine them with other garments from our collection, such as our kids’ trousers and sweatshirts

ECOALF eco-friendly hats

At ECOALF we pride ourselves on using the minimum amount of natural resources in our garments. This philosophy has earned us the Global Recycling Standard (GRS) certification, and we apply it to all our garments. By buying kids’ hats from our online store, you’ll be helping to protect the environment. 

A good eco-friendly hat will keep children warm during the autumn and winter seasons. 

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