Ecoalf by La Casa De Carlota
La Casa de Carlota & Friends is a creative-design agency that promotes inclusion and creative activism with a team of creatives that includes artists, design students, and people with autism and down syndrome. Just as Ecoalf was the first fashion brand in Spain to receive the B Corp certification, La Casa de Carlota & Friends was the first advertising firm. Now, we have come together to use the power of business and creativity to better the lives of others and leave the world a better place for the future generations.

Both of us want to change the way our world works by creating a socially, and environmentally sustainable lifestyle. To inspire this change, we started with two designs featuring the claim BECAUSE THERE IS NO PLANET B® interpreted by the La Casa de Carlota & Friends team.
This environmentally-sustainable collaboration based on human and social values draws attention to just how important it is to be part of the solution and challenge the status quo. By incorporating creativity, innovation, and diversity into everything we do, we can truly coexist with the planet and the people around us.